Get ahead with cross-functional teamwork

While moving towards true cross-functional collaboration is no small undertaking, the rewards are huge. Discover the greatest benefits and Red Badger’s expert take on how to make the shift.

Let’s be real – silos get in the way of success.

To get ahead, today’s blue-chip businesses need to become next-generation digital product organisations.

If you’re still organising your customer-orientated departments by function, you’re creating silos. This is stopping you from making customer value your top priority.

Meanwhile, digital native businesses are putting customer value front and centre - and shaping their teams around it.

Your competitions’ teams are blended. It’s time to move with the times, dissolve those silos and create a well-oiled machine that operates as one.

Cross-functional teams lead to radically better outcomes.

At Red Badger, we work in cross-functional teams, leading by example. 

That’s how we stay hyper-focussed on every project’s North Star, get (and stay) close to customers, supercharge daily, continuously communicate and collaborate, foster a stimulating experience for great talent, and show our clients how to get everyone on the same page - for good.

Blended teamwork makes the dream work. 

It’s about uniting experts to solve a problem and uncover value. Creative knowledge work cannot be treated as assembly line. It’s all about real-time collaboration.

There’s a clear ‘why’ behind everything your teams do. A shared vision forges unity and provides a clear sense of direction, accelerating delivery times, customer satisfaction and business impact. 

Everyone is outcome-driven and moving in lockstep on goals, metrics, design and development. And all disciplines are actively involved in solving the problem at hand, empowered as a collective to find a solution. No one should work in a vacuum.

Engineers don’t just push code – they think deeply about the customer and the business. Designers aren't just developing a beautiful web page – they know what’s technically feasible, and what’s valuable to the customer.

While moving towards true cross-functional collaboration is no small undertaking, the rewards are huge. Discover the greatest benefits and Red Badger’s expert take on how to make the shift.


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